Being one of the biggest PACS vendor worldwide, we want to introduce to you our Enterprise PACS RIS and ZFP viewer for your esteemed institutions. We have almost all major countries regulatory certificates including IHE which you can find our website. So, basically it is medical tourism ready. We support any cloud infrastucture, docker containers or even on premise virtual servers.
Our PACS also support non DICOM images into any VNA through our product SendToPacs. So, we can store, view and access ECG, Retinal Imaging, Endoscopy or any surgical video recording of any MPEG4, MPEG2, AVI, H264, PDF, JPEG formats into our PACS allowing the use of PACS/VNA as a medical video archive.
On Viewer part, we have PET CT, CT MR, PET MR fusion possible on the web with various hanging protocols for multimonitor reporting also possible.
As per our conversation with Mr X, he mentioned that you have been looking for Comprehensive PACS/WhatsaApp/AdvancedWorktstation solution. We request you to let us present our product once.
We have implemented one single PACS AND ZFP viewer login for multiple branches of Tata Varanasi and have single UID across branches which is the basis of E health portal. We do have our own patient portal application which can be customised for your requirement.
You can find all our products details including user manual, demo setup exe, installation manual, integration manual, tutorials, certificates, installation list, on our Website: www.softneta.com and www.arwadigitalsystems.com
We have PACS RIS Integration with many renowned external systems. Our solution is integrated with over 5 diagnostic browsers and many OEM PACS providers like FUJIFILM, Siemens healthineers use our ZFP DICOM viewer on top of their PACS. Our RIS also integrates directly with all leading HIS systems, as follows: EPIC, IQVIA, TPP’s System One.
We also provide integration with EHR and EDM systems. Our solution offers a clear configuration panel allowing for simultaneous cooperation with any number of external systems (HIS, PACS), while the integration takes place with the use of HL7, API, JSON, xml communications, directly from the database level if required. We allow for flexible adaptation of integration according to the precise requirements of our clients.
For POC, we can install the entire setup in your virtual environment and integrate it with all the modalities with the help of your IT, Biomedical team. Regading HIS integration, kindly let us know if you will be sending HL7 messages or through any other method. We are okay with any of the above-mentioned methods.
Hardware requirements for POC, Storage Specs: https://www.dicomlibrary.com/dicom/pacs-storage-calculator/
Server Specs for Viewer accessibility: https://www.softneta.com/documentation/installation-integration-guide/minimal-server-side-requirements/
Do let us know if you are interested in the demo!
For online demo of our ZFP viewer, you can check our demo site: demo.softneta.com
We can connect on zoom or teams meeting for an online overview of all our products anytime during this week. We can come down onsite for detailed understanding of your requirements, kindly just let us know 1 or 2 days beforehand.